
Client FAQ

Hire a freelancer

Meet our freelancers
  1. Post a job

Simply post your project, assignment or task and receive competitive quotes from freelancers in minutes.

2. Select the perfect freelance

Browse the profiles, chat live and choose the freelancer that best matches your project.

3. Pay if you are satisfied

Validate the Freelancer by paying the agreed amount into an escrow account that will be released only when you validate the work rendered.

  • Can i trust workers ?

    Trustworthy relationship

    Obviously, not everyone is honest, so you would trust the workers as you would a local worker. At first, have them do non-sensitive tasks until you have established a trusting relationship, and then you can give them more access.

    It took us over a year to realize that we could trust the workers. Today, we trust new hires from day one. After you hire someone, you'll probably start to notice little things that let you know whether you can trust them or not.

  • Will I find competent people?

    Digital Marketing

    Well, we can't guarantee it (except that we do!), but with a large number of worker profiles, our database contains a lot of talent.

    It is rare to find an employer who cannot find a good candidate for their company. Usually, it's the employer who wants someone who can do whatever they want that leaves unsatisfied. That's not you... is it?

  • How much do I have to pay the freelancers?


    It depends on what you negotiate with them before you hire them. Salary varies depending on skills and experience. Each position has a different salary range.

    You can get a good idea by consulting our complete guide to VA salaries in Cameroon

    Help with determining veteran salaries can be found here.

    We suggest you look at a set of profiles that have the skills you are looking for. See how much they charge. This will give you a pretty good idea of what you should pay.


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